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Auteur(s) Lambrechts, W., Hindson, J. (editors)
Jaar 2016
Uitgever Environment and School Initiatives – ENSI

This book is the outcome of the work of Environment and School Initiatives (ENSI), an international network of educational partners and the European project CoDeS, Collaboration of Schools and Communities for Sustainable Development (2011-2014). The objective of the book is to provide collaborative experiences in research and innovation in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is divided into four parts. Part I is devoted to networks and collaboration approaches for ESD. Part II explores which critical characteristics can be identified in ESD approaches. Part III is oriented towards the connections between education and research for sustainable development. Part IV provides insights into different evaluation and assessment approaches to ESD activities.

Plaats van uitgave Vienna
Licentievorm Open access/full-text beschikbaar
Pagina's 153
Doelgroepen Onderwijs
Inhoud van NME duurzaamheid (duurzame ontwikkeling)
Pedagogiek/didactiek professionalisering (kwaliteit)
Educatieve voorzieningen informatievoorziening , maatschappelijke verankering
Documenttype boek
Externe link https://sustainablehighereducation.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/lambrechts-hindson-eds-2016.pdf
Externe link 2 https://sustainablehighereducation.com/book/